Book of the Year Awards

Recreating Titanic and Her Sisters: A Visual History by Tad Fitch, J. Kent Layton and Bill Wormstedt

Titanic Children: Eyewitnesses to History by Anthony Cunningham
AND (we had a tie in the book club)
A Night She’d Remember: My Grandmother's Experience on the Titanic by Jospeh Petterutti
Some years ago, Michael Tennaro on his Titanic book site selected a Titanic ‘Book of the Year’. This ceased in 2005, so Graeme Jupp took the liberty of updating the awards. Here is his selection from 2006 to 2020, with one title per year except 2011 and 2012.
Per Graeme, some years were quite lean re publication of new Titanic books, which is why he chose for 2006 the second edition of "Titanic Voices". This was printed on high-grade paper and the quality of the photographs was excellent.
The year 2016 was also tricky, so he selected David Dyer's "The Midnight Watch", a work of historical fiction centering on the S.S. Californian. Alf McCreary's "Titanic Port" (2010) is not a Titanic book per se; however, it does devote more than 70 of its 400 pages to the 'Olympic'-class ships and is beautifully designed, produced and illustrated.
Gareth Russell's "The Darksome Bounds of a Failing World" (2019) has been very favourably reviewed. Robert Ballard's "Titanic: The Last Great Images" (2007) is not the best of the wreck books, though pickings were lean for that year. The ties in 2011 and 2012 are deserving for four of THE finest Titanic books ever researched and written.
He chose "The Way it Was" for 2009 as this book provides a wonderful insight into Walter Lord's twelve books, including his celebrated "A Night to Remember" (1955) and "The Night Lives On (1986)."
-Graeme Jupp
2006: Titanic Voices, 2nd edition (originally published in 1994) (Hyslop/Forsyth/Jemima)
2007: Titanic: The Last Great Images (Ballard)
2008: Titanic: The Ship Magnificent, Vols. 1 and 2 (Beveridge/Andrews/Hall/Klistorner/Braunschweiger)
2009: The Way it Was: Walter Lord on His Life and Books (Lord/Lawrence)
2010: Titanic Port: An Illustrated History of Belfast Harbour (McCreary)
2011 (tie): Report into the Loss of the SS Titanic: A Centennial Reappraisal (Halpern, et al) and Titanic in Photographs (Klistorner/Hall)
2012 (tie): On a Sea of Glass: The Life and Loss of the RMS Titanic (Fitch/Layton/Wormstedt) and On Board RMS Titanic: Memories of the Maiden Voyage (Behe)
2013: Exploring the Deep: The Titanic Expeditions (Cameron/Lynch/Marschall/Stephenson)
2014: Down Amongst the Black Gang (de Kerbrech)
2015: Voices from the Carpathia: Rescuing RMS Titanic (George Behe)
2016: The Midnight Watch (David Dyer)
2017: Guide to the Crew of Titanic (Gunter Babler)
2018: The Titanic Expeditions: Diving to the Queen of the Deep, 1985-2010 (Eugene Nesmeyanov)
2019: The Darksome Bounds of a Failing World (Gareth Russell)
2020: Titanic and the City of Widows It Left Behind (Julie Cook)
Books of the year 1955 - 2005
Please visit Michael Tennarro's excellent site, hosted by Bill Wormstedt