New Titanic Books 2023!
Please note: the Titanic Book Club doesn't necessarily endorse every single book on the 2023 list as being worth reading, the book descriptions were written by the various publishers and therefore don't necessarily have any real bearing on whether or not a book is truly worthwhile. Readers should definitely consider the credentials of each book's author before deciding whether or not to buy a specific book. Do your research, read reviews and talk with other book club members! We are all happy to help you out! -Titanic Book Club Team
*We have highlighted in yellow which books we know are published by verified authors.
"Titanic on Screen" by Jonathan Smith
(Recommended by the Titanic Book Club)
Decade by decade guide of known films, documentaries, television and news reels on the Titanic disaster. Starting from 1909 and through to the 2020s, TITANIC ON SCREEN is a must have book for any Titanic enthusiast eager to know more about Titanic on the big and small screen.
"Titanic: The Truth on Trial"
by Ian Donaldson
This unique work challenges the familiar narrative of the Titanic disaster and the conduct of the official British Inquiry.
Many are unaware that during the British Inquiry into the loss of the Titanic, prominent witnesses testified in defence of past decisions made by various Government committees and officials. Decisions which, among other things, resulted in too few lifeboats for hundreds of passengers and crew, not just for those on the Titanic.
Who were these people? And why was so much credibility attached to their answers? Why was there no challenge made to their claims?
The significance of this part of the Inquiry has largely been forgotten or overlooked by historians and authors, presumably dismissed as irrelevant. Only now is this damning evidence brought to a wider readership.
During the author's investigations into the Inquiry proceedings, documents were uncovered in the National Archives which revealed discrepancies in the evidence brought before Lord Mersey. These papers show the shipping casualties documented by Lloyd's Shipping Register were inconsistent with figures stated by these witnesses during the Inquiry.
These records indicated many more passenger and cargo vessels came to grief during the perilous North Atlantic passage and even more across the world's oceans and seas.
For over five years, the author has researched archived material to establish the credibility of this claim. This is a remarkable account, more enthralling than any work of fiction, of an Inquiry that took place 111 years ago, and the controversial decisions reached by Lord Mersey still resonate to this day.
Interested readers, historical researchers and Titanic enthusiasts who have sought to find an explanation for the widely held belief that the outcome of the British Inquiry was a 'whitewash' need only read this fascinating presentation of the evidence contained within this book. *A donation from each purchase will be made to the RNLI. Thank you.
"Titanic: A Legal Perspective"
by E. Gordon Mooneyhan
A look into the sinking of the RMS Titanic from a legal perspective. Were guilty people never charged? Was Captain Smith the only person responsible, or did others also share in the responsibility? Join author E. Gordon Mooneyhan as he looks at the history of the shipwreck from a unique perspective, a legal perspective that hasn't been applied to the Titanic before.
(Printed on demand)
Titanic Disaster : Omens, Mysteries and Misfortunes of the Doomed Liner
by James Bancroft
Published by Frontline Books, 2023
ISBN 10: 1399048953ISBN 13: 9781399048958
Seller: GreatBookPrices, Columbia, MD, U.S.A.
It was on Wednesday, 10 April 1912, that the imposing bulk of the RMS Titanic slipped her berth, and, to great fanfare, headed out into the Solent at the start of her maiden voyage.
By all accounts, the liner was at the time the largest man-made object ever to move on water. The space her decks created allowed her designers to introduce previously unseen levels of luxury. In first class, for example, there were many new features such as squash courts, a Turkish bath, a gymnasium, a barber shop and even the first swimming pool built on board a ship. There was also the bold claim by its builders that Titanic was ‘practically unsinkable’. Sadly, just four days later, this assertion was found wanting. At 23.40 hours on the evening of 14 April, Titanic struck an iceberg. In less than three hours she had slipped beneath the waves.
While the liner’s loss has been the subject of numerous films, documentaries and publications in the years that followed, in this book the author James W. Bancroft asks if the RMS Titanic had been doomed to a watery grave even before it sailed? Certainly, many people experienced feelings of foreboding about the ship, and there were many strange omens and unexplained events surrounding its construction and maiden voyage.
A novel written many years before Titanic was built mirrored almost exactly the details of the disaster, and the well-known spiritualist, W.T. Stead, wrote a story of a similar nature. As a passenger on the ship, he seemed to have accepted his fate and did not try to save himself. Even animals seem to have sensed danger, such as the dog which tried to stop its owner from traveling to board the vessel, and Titanic’s cat had kittens and was seen taking them all off the liner before it sailed. The voyage was fatefully delayed for three weeks, and at least fifty travelers had forebodings about the ‘Ghost Ship’, some of whom missed the sailing or refused to board.
Following years of research, James has uncovered some 100 fascinating stories concerning omens and premonitions of people who sailed – or in fact decided not to – on the ill-fated liner. This is the first time that all of these incidents have been brought together. Together they provide an unusual insight into the Titanic disaster.
Journey to Titanic
by Roger Bansemer
Published by Pineapple Press, 2023
ISBN 10: 1561642932ISBN 13: 9781561642939
Dans les Profondeurs du Titanic * (Recommended by the Titanic Book Club)
by Paul-Henri Nargeolet [in French]
Published by HARPERCOLLINS, 2023
ISBN 10: 1033914061ISBN 13: 9781033914069
Seller: Chapitre.com : livres et presse ancienne, LAMNAY, France
Paperback. Condition: NEUF. 1er septembre 1985. Le Titanic, disparu depuis le 15 avril 1912, est retrouvé dans l'Atlantique nord où il gît par 3 821 mètres de fond.Sollicité par l'Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (Ifremer), Paul-Henri Nargeolet, commandant dans la Marine nationale, dirigera les recherches sous-marines dans le cadre des expéditions sur l'épave, de 1987 jusqu'à son décès en 2023. Les centaines d'heures de plongée révéleront les derniers secrets du paquebot. Plus de 5 500 objets seront remontés à la surface : morceaux de coque, bijoux, bouteilles de champagne, tissus, bagages - autant de témoins qui racontent les grandes heures du navire et son destin tragique.À travers le fabuleux récit de ses expéditions, Paul-Henri Nargeolet fait revivre l'histoire du Titanic, celle de ses passagers et de son équipage, offrant un point de vue unique sur cette catastrophe maritime qui alimenta tous les fantasmes. À propos de l'auteur Paul-Henri Nargeolet est né à Chamonix en 1946. Après une carrière de 22 ans dans la Marine Nationale, il accède au grade de capitaine de frégate. Il rejoint l'Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (Ifremer) en tant que responsable des submersibles " grands fonds " en 1986. L'année suivante, il dirige la première expédition de récupération menée sur le Titanic. Il vivait aux États-Unis et était directeur du programme de recherche sous-marine de la société RMS Titanic Inc., propriétaire des droits sur l'épave. Il a disparu en mer le 18 juin 2023, lors d'une expédition touristique vers le Titanic." Un récit épique, technique et émouvant. " Lire - Le Magazine littéraire " Une histoire incroyable qu'il faut découvrir au plus vite grâce à Paul-Henri Nargeolet. " La Presse de la Manche " Le récit passionnant des expéditions dePaul-Henri Nargeolet. " Clémence Ballandras, Le Télégramme " Un récit passionnant. " Gala " Aujourd'hui, après avoir franchi plus de 20000 lieues sous et sur les mers, et écrit un livre de souvenirs, Dans les profondeurs du Titanic, à 75ans, il n'en a pas fini avec la plus célèbre des épaves. " Francis Gouge, Le Monde Science et médecine " Son récit, qui se dévore, nous embarque dans les abysses. Avec lui, on revit ses plongées, et on imagine cette épave, noyée dans l'obscurité totale, recouverte de corail, rongée par les bactéries sous-marines, au milieu d'un champ de débris de plusieurs kilomètres. " Pauline Conradsson, Le Parisien aujourd'hui " Plongée avec un passionné qui garde les pieds sur terre. " Jean-Marie Cunin, Ouest-France " Quand on ouvre ce livre, on découvre avec autant d'émotion que vous, le moment où vous découvrez le Titanic pour la première fois. Tout est vierge autour. Rien n'a été touché. Rien n'a été abîmé. Personne n'a encore percé les secrets de ce bateau qui est donc à 3 800 mètres de fond. Le livre d'un passionné. " Elodie Suigo, France Info " Votre livre est passionnant ! " Laurent Ruquier, Les Grosses têtes, RTL " Des histoires absolument hallucinantes et incroyables ! " Laurent Ruquier, On est en direct, France 2 " Un livre extraordinaire. " Pierre Lescure, C à vous, France 5 - Nombre de page(s) : 192 - Poids : 136g - Genre : Littérature Romans Poche HARPERCOLLINS POCHE.
Published by LID EDITORIAL, 2023 [in Spanish]
Titanic - Sinking The Unsinkable (Paperback)
by A.J. Kingston
Published by Pastor Publishing Ltd, 2023
ISBN 10: 1839383372ISBN 13: 9781839383373
Seller: AussieBookSeller, Truganina, VIC, Australia
Introducing the captivating book bundle:
Titanic - Sinking the Unsinkable
Genius Construction, Love Holiday & Disaster
Unlock the untold stories and delve deep into the captivating world of the Titanic with our exclusive book bundle, "Titanic - Sinking the Unsinkable." This extraordinary collection takes you on a riveting journey through the construction, love stories, holiday ambiance, and the disastrous fate of the legendary ship that shook the world. From heart-wrenching tragedies to remarkable survival tales, from hidden secrets of the deep to the enduring cultural impact, this bundle offers a comprehensive exploration of the Titanic's legacy.
Book 1 - Titanic: A Tale Of Tragedy And Survival
Experience the heart-wrenching moments and heroic tales of those who found themselves aboard the doomed ship. Discover the tragedy that unfolded on that fateful night, as well as the incredible survival stories that emerged from the wreckage. Immerse yourself in the harrowing details of the disaster and gain a profound understanding of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity.
Book 2 - Titanic Mysteries Unveiled: Untold Secrets Of The Deep
Dive into the depths of the ocean and uncover the enigmatic secrets that lay beneath the surface of the Titanic. This book takes you on an intriguing exploration of the wreckage, revealing startling revelations and shedding light on the mysteries that still surround the ship's final resting place. Prepare to be captivated by the stories of hidden treasures, unanswered questions, and the ongoing quest for knowledge about the Titanic's submerged legacy.
Book 3 - Titanic Love Stories: Passions That Transcend Time
Experience the allure and romance that thrived amidst the opulence of the Titanic. Journey through the lives of the passengers and crew who forged deep connections and kindled passionate relationships aboard the ship. From star-crossed lovers to enduring bonds, this book uncovers the transcendent power of love and the human spirit, even in the face of impending disaster.
Book 4 - Titanic's Legacy: Impact And Cultural Significance
Discover the profound impact the Titanic had on the world and its lasting cultural significance. This book examines how the disaster influenced maritime safety regulations, shaped popular culture, and sparked an enduring fascination with the Titanic's story. Explore its legacy through the lens of history, art, literature, and cinema, and understand why the Titanic continues to capture the imaginations of people worldwide.
Indulge in the ultimate Titanic experience with our exclusive book bundle. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a fan of gripping tales, or simply seeking to explore one of the most iconic tragedies of the 20th century, "Titanic - Sinking the Unsinkable" is an essential addition to your collection. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the Titanic, where construction, love, holiday, and disaster converge in an unforgettable journey that will leave you breathless.
Order your copy of the "Titanic - Sinking the Unsinkable" book bundle today and embark on an immersive adventure into the depths of this legendary ship's story!
Titanic - Iceberg Ahead: The Story of the Disaster by Some of Those Who Were There
by James Bancroft
Published by Frontline Books, 2023
Using a unique approach, the author explores the disaster through the lives of fifty people linked to the sinking, from all walks of life and geographical regions.
To have sailed on ‘the voyage of the century’ aboard White Star Line’s RMS Titanic – described at the time as ‘a floating palace’ – was like being one of the first passengers to fly on Concorde.
On 10 April 1912, people from all walks of life began embarking on Titanic, then the largest ship afloat, for what was to be the trip of a lifetime on the ship’s maiden voyage across the north Atlantic. Many were looking forward to starting new lives in the United States.
However, just before midnight on Sunday, 14 April 1912, Titanic’s crew began to send out distress signals stating, ‘We have struck an iceberg.' The liner had been steaming at speed when it collided with an enormous iceberg which stripped off her bilge under the waterline for more than 100 yards, opened up five of the front compartments and flooded the coal bunker servicing one of the boilers.
The damage was fatal, and some three hours after the disaster began to unfold the last visible part of Titanic slipped beneath the waves. There were only sixteen lifeboats and four collapsible dinghies – which was completely insufficient for the number of passengers making the crossing. As a consequence, more than 1,500 passengers and crew died: two out of every three people onboard perished.
Much has been written about the Titanic disaster, and it has been the subject matter for several films. The author is well-known for his depth of research and his attention to detail, and in a new style of format, he has selected fifty people involved in the disaster, and by using their specific eyewitness accounts he has managed to make the confusing situation much clearer, making it possible for the reader to experience the dreadful events as they unfolded. The book also includes biographical tributes to the fifty people, who came from all walks of life and geographical regions, telling who they were, their experiences during the disaster, and what happened to those who were fortunate enough to survive.
"11:40: Analysis of Evasive Manoeuvres & Damage Assessment on RMS Titanic" * (Recommended by the Titanic Book Club)
by Brad Payne
A new in-depth study into those pivotal moments, both leading up to the striking of the iceberg, and across those crucial minutes afterwards, during which the fate of Titanic, and the 2,208 souls aboard, was realized At 11:40pm on April 14, 1912, Titanic collided with an iceberg in the middle of the North Atlantic and began to sink. From the moment the iceberg was spotted, the ship was on a collision course with destiny, with the immediate aftermath of the collision becoming a race against time for those on board to inspect the damage and determine Titanic's fate. In this new study, the events of both the evasive maneuvers and the subsequent damage assessment are broken down, order by order, moment by moment, giving a forensic analysis of these crucial events. In doing so, with the backing of an exhaustive collection of both historical and modern data, along with over twenty years of personal research by Brad Payne, facts are separated from myths and the most accurate truths about what really happened aboard Titanic during these critical moments are revealed.
"Iron & Ice: The Full Tale of the Titanic"
by Kelly E. Skwarcan [a college student who is a senior at Notre Dame.]
The Titanic arose from the Belfast gantries as the crown jewel of her time, the conqueror of the ocean itself. During her maiden voyage, seasoned first-class personas sparkled, humble third-class immigrants anticipated a fresh start, and stokers sweltered in the bowels of the engine room’s grit and grime. Amidst all this buzz, a competent shipbuilder stood, worrying over the compromises his shrewd superior insisted upon.
Iron & Ice: The Full Tale of the Titanic is sure to captivate both those with no prior knowledge of the ship and long-time enthusiasts. Narrative in nature, character-driven, and tastefully detailed, Iron & Ice is set apart by its exploration of previously-glossed-over topics and its fresh perspective on familiar ones. This book explores the Titanic’s “best-of” narratives, divulges little-known facts, and simplifies pedantic technicalities to render the iconic tale engaging and meaningful to the modern reader.
With Iron & Ice, readers embark on a spellbinding journey that begins before the Titanic’s first sketches and ends over a century later in summer 2023. As one of the first books to connect the eerie parallels between OceanGate’s Titan submersible’s implosion and the Titanic disaster, Iron & Ice forges new ground, enthralling readers all the while.
"Titanic Letters" (History Press, 2023) * (Recommended by the Titanic Book Club)
by George Behe
A high quality, limited-edition, hand-bound, fine press book (in a presentation box) containing the texts of letters written by Titanic passengers before, during and after the maiden voyage.
"Fate Deals a Hand: The Slippery Fortunes of Titanic’s Professional Gamblers" * (Recommended by the Titanic Book Club)
by George Behe
A unique study into both the professional gamblers aboard Titanic and their individual backgrounds and fates
During the early twentieth century, professional gamblers were such a scourge in the smoking rooms of trans-Atlantic passenger liners that White Star Line warned its passengers about them.
In spring 1912 three professional gamblers traveled from the U.S. to England for the sole purpose of returning to America on the maiden voyage of Titanic. "Kid" Homer, "Harry" Rolmane and "Boy" Bradley (Harry Homer, Charles Romaine and George Brereton) were grifters with a long history of living on the wrong side of the law, who planned to utilize their skills at the card table to relieve fellow passengers of cash. One swiftly fell under suspicion of being a professional "card mechanic", and was excluded from some poker games, but other games continued apace.
This new book, the result of years of research by George Behe, reveals the true identities of these gamblers, their individual backgrounds, the ruses they used, and their ultimate fates after tragedy struck, as well as providing an intriguing insight into a bygone age.
Titanic: The Harrowing True Story of the Titanic Disaster (The Shocking Secrets Buried beneath The Waves Interesting Stories Random Facts)
by Mike Selby
Published by Matt Hall, 2023
There were stories of heroism―such as that of Edith Evans, who was waiting to board collapsible Lifeboat D, the last boat to leave Titanic, when she turned to Caroline Brown and said, "You go first. You have children waiting at home." The sacrifice cost Evans her life, but as Mrs. Brown said later, "It was a heroic sacrifice, and as long as I live I shall hold her memory dear as my preserver, who preferred to die so that I might live."
You'll learn:
Who is the man responsible for the start of the passenger ocean liner boom?
Why were the workers on the Titanic almost entirely Protestant?
What was the name of the Titanic's mascot cat?
Who were some of the richest people in the world on board the Titanic and which of them survived?
How did some of the passengers on the Titanic become heroes, while others proved to be zeroes?
And much more ...
The incarceration was only halted thanks to the efforts of the press, public and the shipping union who succeeded in forcing an embarrassing capitulation - and the crew were granted their long denied freedom.
The depositions given in Plymouth have long since vanished, leaving just the testimony of those few who were called before the inquiries, plus fragments in the contemporary press and private correspondence of the day. For the most part, much of what the crew did that night is lost.
"The Ismay Line: The Titanic, the White Star Line and the Ismay family"
by Wilton J. Oldham
Reprinted by Chaplin Books, 2023
"RMS Titanic in 50 Objects" * (Recommended by the Titanic Book Club)
by: Bruce Beveridge and Steve Hall
The story of the worldʼs most famous liner, told through a fascinating selection of important objects
Showcasing a mixture of original artefacts, authentic reproductions, and items from Titanic’s sister ship Olympic, Titanic authorities Bruce Beveridge and Steve Hall have worked closely with White Star Memories to skillfully retell the story of Titanic in 50 objects. Poignant original artefacts include letters mailed from the ship; the butcher’s gold pocket watch; violinist Wallace Hartley’s sheet music, recovered with his body; carpenters’ tools used during construction; Turkish Bath wall tiles; and even a piece of coal from the wreck site.
Reproductions and treasures from Olympic include a full-scale Grand Staircase ‘Honour & Glory’ clock; a Bronze Grand Staircase cherub; dining chairs; tables; washstands; light fixtures; wood fittings; bedspreads; uniforms; and much more besides. Also with fascinating text alongside carefully chosen archive images, this beautiful book brings the story of Titanic vividly to life.
Titanic Collections Volume 1: Fragments of History - The Ship * (Recommended by the Titanic Book Club)
by Michael Beatty, George Behe, John Lamoreau, Don Lynch, Trevor Powell and Kalman Tanito.
This is the first in a two-part series showcasing rare and important artefacts relating to the history of RMS Titanic. Many collectors prefer to hide their treasures away, but the items presented in these beautiful books have been gathered by six well-known and respected researchers, authors, historians and collectors whose mission statement is to share their acquisitions with the world: George Behe; Mike Beatty; John Lamoreau; Don Lynch; Trevor Powell; and Kalman Tanito. This first book in the series focusses in on artefacts relating to the ship, including fascinating postcards, books, photographs, and physical objects, ranging from light fixtures to chronometer rings and floor tiles. These items place the story of Titanic in a new light, focussing on the items of interest rather than the well-told story of the maiden voyage and sinking. There is much to delight the reader, as these authors seek to share the artefacts in their collections with like-minded researchers who otherwise might never have been aware that these items existed.
ISBN: 9781803993331
One Starry Night: The Titanic Lookouts: Egos, Errors, and Excuses
by Ian Donaldson (Author)
Why did the Titanic's lookouts fail to spot a massive iceberg as large as St. Paul's Cathedral and probably weighing a million tonnes which suddenly appeared ahead of the fast-approaching vessel in calm seas on a clear evening in April 1912?
Testimony given during the US and British Inquiries into the sinking indicates there was evasion and dishonesty in their responses and an official reluctance to place any responsibility for the sinking on the hapless lookouts.
This fascinating account of a less well-known aspect of the Titanic story explores factors which likely contributed to the disaster and probably made the lookouts task that night more difficult and exposes the indifference and cynicism of Government officials to investigate the past loss of life at sea, which might have been due to ineffectual lookouts high up in the crow's nest of vessels traversing the world's oceans and seas.
Board of Trade complacency and insufficient regulations meant sailors with impaired vision could occupy a strategic post on a vessel and escape blame should the ship come to grief.
During the British Inquiry, evidence suggests the Commissioner, Lord Mersey, was unwilling to consider any testimony which suggested any culpability for the loss of the Titanic on the part of the lookouts, even though credible statements made by other witnesses at the time told of their likely contribution towards the collision.
Had the lookouts on watch been found to have been inattentive and shown to be lying under oath, the implications for the Board of Trade, the White Star Line and Merchant Shipping, in general, would be far-reaching and place the mercantile industry under scrutiny for their misplaced reliance on fallible lookouts to assist in a vessel's safe passage.
There was a lack of formal training or appropriate assessment of candidates for such an important role when so much depended on the diligence and abilities of the lookouts for the safe navigation of the ship and the lives of passengers.
This account raises serious questions which indicate a presumption of innocence of wrongdoing that was not supported by the evidence presented before the Court.
*A donation from each purchase will be made to the Royal Humane Society. Thank you.
Publisher : Independently published (16 June 2023)
Language : English
Paperback : 255 pages
ISBN-13 : 979-8392768806